HomeTips for hjemmetMany people hate this fruit.However, it is one of the healthiest in...

Many people hate this fruit.However, it is one of the healthiest in the world

Durian is a fruit that evokes extreme emotions.Its intense smell can cause nausea, so it is often banned in public places.Nevertheless, it has a number of health properties that make it extremely useful for our body..

Durian, also known as zybuchek or scimitar, is considered the most expensive fruit in the world.In 2019, the price of one specimen at the auction reached 4500 euros.The fruit grows on evergreen trees mainly in Asia, where it is valued for its taste, but it is also controversial for its intense aroma.The smell of this fruit has been described as repulsive, reminiscent of a mixture of the smell of spoiled fish, a dirty street and an old egg.

Despite the repulsive smell, many people want to try durian.In Thai markets, its price ranges from 13 euros per kilogram to several hundred euros, depending on the location. Out of dozens of durian species, only 11 are edible.Durio zibethinus is the most common variety on the international market.

Health properties of durian

Durian is a real treasure in terms of vitamin and mineral content.The flesh of this fruit is rich in vitamin C, which supports immunity, and potassium, which benefits the cardiovascular system.In addition, the fruit is a source of fiber, which helps regulate bowel activity and improves digestion.Durian also contains antioxidants that protect cells from damage and slow down the aging process.

Despite its controversial smell, durian is appreciated by experts in nutrition and healthy eating. The polyphenols and flavonoids it contains support heart health and its consumption can help lower cholesterol levels.Thanks to its high fiber content, it also helps with weight loss and improves overall physical condition.

Taste and culinary use

How does durian taste? When you pierce the hard, thorn-covered skin, you’ll discover flesh with a texture reminiscent of a banana or avocado.The taste of durian is an unusual combination of acidity, tones of almonds, caramel and onion and turpentine.For this reason, this fruit is both loved and hated by foodies around the world.

Durian can be eaten raw or used in various dishes.In Asia, it is often added to desserts, ice cream and even sweet soups.Durian preparations are also popular – jams, marmalades and ciders are made from the pulp of this fruit.Even durian skin is used in the cosmetics industry as an ingredient in masks and antiseptic creams.

Durian is undoubtedly one of the most controversial fruits in the world. Its intense smell may put people off , but its health properties and unusual taste make it prized by many. Thanks to its high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants durian supports our health on many levels – from the cardiovascular system to digestion and immunity.

We recommend you try this unusual fruit.Although the first contact with it can be difficult, the richness of flavors and nutritional value will compensate you for the effort.Durian can become an interesting and healthy addition to our diet.

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