HomeTips for hjemmetMandatory military service back for Slovaks? Look what the government is up...

Mandatory military service back for Slovaks? Look what the government is up to

The government of the Slovak Republic does not plan to re-introduce compulsory military service, which is also agreed by opposition MP Michal Truban from Progressive Slovakia (PS).Instead, the Ministry of Defense (MO) of the Slovak Republic is preparing an expansion of active reserves that would be accessible to all citizens.According to Defense Minister Robert Kaliňák from Smer-SD, these reserves could be strengthened by the so-calledthe national brigade, which would consist of volunteers..

Minister Kaliňák expects that this proposal could be submitted to the parliament in October.At the same time, he emphasized that the government is not preparing for measures such as general mobilization or the introduction of compulsory military service.In the Sunday discussion session on TA3, Truban expressed his agreement with this policy and did not rule out that his party would support the proposal.

The Ministry of Defense plans to finalize the details of the new model of active reserves.According to Kaliňák, volunteers could serve two weeks a year and several weekends, while the state would provide a financial reward.These volunteers should help in emergency situations, such as natural disasters, or in guarding strategic objects during a state of war.

At the same time, the minister noted that the national brigade would include three groups of people: ex-soldiers who are already assigned to specific weapons, guard units and new volunteers who could receive professional education and thus potentially continue a professional military career.

Truban stated in the discussion that PS was never in favor of reintroducing compulsory military service and emphasized the need to improve the functioning of active reserves.If the proposal meets expectations, PS is ready to negotiate its support.

However, other political topics were also discussed in the discussion.Truban criticized the government for the actions of Minister of Justice Boris Susko and Minister of Culture Martina Šimkovičová.He expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the number of food thefts increased after the amendment to the Criminal Code was approved.Minister Kaliňák rejected this criticism, claiming that there are no relevant data that would confirm these conclusions.

Kaliňák also accused Deputy Speaker of Parliament Michal Šimečka from Progressive Slovakia of protecting personal interests by organizing protests, which Truban called a senseless conspiracy.At the same time, Truban added that if Šimečka is dismissed, it will only be proof of the successful work of the opposition, while the government is thus trying to divert attention from its own problems.

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