HomeTips for hjemmetMake a candle that burns for a very long time.Prepare for a...

Make a candle that burns for a very long time.Prepare for a power outage

When we find ourselves without electricity, many of us look for alternatives to keep us out of the dark and without access to technology.One of the less traditional, but nevertheless effective solutions, is the production of a candle from potatoes.It is a simple, cheap and moreover ecological solution that you can prepare at home even with children..

What you will need:

  • a deep plate (ideally glass or clay).
  • one larger potato.
  • a wick or other flammable material (e.g.piece of string or gauze bandage).
  • approximately 100 ml of sunflower oil.
  • Candle manufacturing process

    1. Preparation of the oil base: Pour 100 ml of sunflower oil into the plate.Make sure the container is not plastic so it doesn’t melt or deform when burning.
    2. Making a cavity in the potato: Cut a hole in the potato with a diameter of about 2 cm.This opening will serve as a place for the wick.
    3. Wick Preparation: Immerse the wick in the oil to saturate it sufficiently.If you don’t have a wick, you can use string, gauze or other similar material.Then insert it into the hole in the potato, leaving about 0. 5 cm protruding on the surface.
    4. Assembling and lighting the candle: Place the potato with the wick in the oil in the plate and light the wick.

    An alternative method

    If you don’t have the time or desire to create a hole for the wick, there is an easier option.Just insert three matches into the hole in the potato, pour some oil and light the matches.Even such an improvised candle will provide you with light for several hours.

    The benefits of a potato candle

    The potato candle is not only practical, but also gentle on the wallet.One such candle can burn for approximately 7 hours.When it goes out, just add oil and you can light it again.If you use the alternative method, just replace the matches and add oil.

    Do you have frequent power outages? Try making your own potato candle and be prepared for even the most unexpected situations!

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