HomeTips for hjemmetList of drinks that quench thirst much better than plain water

List of drinks that quench thirst much better than plain water

During hot summer days, our thirst is especially strong.That’s when we most often reach for coffee, tea, juices, water and sometimes even beer.Have you ever wondered which of these drinks is the best thirst quencher? Surprising research results show that water is not the best in this category..

Although it is widely believed that water is the best means of quenching thirst, there are drinks that can hydrate even better.Scientists have identified several such products, which is great news for people who don’t like drinking water too much.They published their findings in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

They hydrate better than water.Best during hot weather

Experts from the University of St Andrews in Scotland decided to take a close look at different drinks to find out which of them hydrates the best.After analysis and testing, they published the results. It turns out that, contrary to general expectations, water did not top the list. The final winner may come as a real surprise to many.Did you expect these results?

Here is a ranking of the best hydration drinks in order from best to least hydrating.The study compared the effect of the product on the body and how much liquid remained in the stomach after four hours:

  1. Skimmed milk.
  2. oral solutions of glucose and electrolytes.
  3. ordinary (fatty) milk.
  4. orange juice.
  5. Coke.
  6. diet wheels,.
  7. cold tea.
  8. hot tea.
  9. isotonic drinks.
  10. still water,.
  11. sparkling water,.
  12. beer,.
  13. coffee.

What to drink in hot weather? Is milk better than water?

Scientists point out that water – carbonated and non-carbonated – it hydrates the body well and quickly, but it is not the best in this category.It turns out that drinks with a little sugar, fat or protein maintain a sufficient level of hydration better.

What does nutritional composition have to do with hydration? It turns out that a lot, because milk – first in the ranking – as a source of lactose, protein and fat, it slows down gastric emptying and keeps you hydrated longer.In addition, milk contains sodium, which, by retaining water in the body, causes us to urinate less.Oral glucose and electrolyte solutions often used during diarrhea to prevent dehydration have a similar effect.

What about the sugar in drinks? Does this ranking suggest that we should be reaching for cola more often than water during the heat? Nope. Researchers suggest that the presence of sugar matters, but we should be more concerned with the amount.Cola spent more time in the stomach than water during four hours, but it should be remembered that when such a heavily sweetened drink reaches the small intestine, the body starts to dilute this high concentration of sugar there.As part of this process, water is ‘pulled’ from the body and enters the small intestine to dilute the sugars.

«If you have a choice between a fizzy drink and water, always choose water. Our kidneys and liver depend on water to rid our bodies of toxins. Water also plays a key role in keeping our skin supple and firm,»– explained nutritionist Melissa Majumdar, commenting on the Scottish research.

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