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It is said to bring the dead back to life: This is the most healing plant in the world and it grows for FREE!

Hawthorn is a plant that has a long history of use in various cultures around the world.

Since ancient times, it has been used to treat various health problems , especially those related to the heart and circulatory system..

This plant is known not only for its medicinal properties, but also for the rich history and symbolism that surrounds it.

Take these advices from the portal pridnivisvijet to heart, and your body will thank you. .

Historical and cultural aspects

As early as 9,000 years ago, the Chinese made a fermented drink from hawthorn, the remains of which were discovered in ancient pottery.

This plant probably had an important place in the religion and traditions of ancient cultures..

One of the legends says that the crown of thorns worn by Christ was made of hawthorn..

Many superstitions and myths surround this plant, including stories about vampires.


Hawthorn once grew in Europe, Asia, North America and the Mediterranean, but today it is widespread throughout the world..

Its botanical name varies depending on the species and region where it grows.

Medicinal effects

Hawthorn is considered an effective natural medicine for the heart..

It contains effective substances with antioxidant activity , including essential oils, tannins, saponins, glycosides and fructose.

These substances help protect the heart muscle and support the health of the cardiovascular system.

Regular use of hawthorn may reduce the risk of heart attack , helps regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

Hawthorn has been shown to be safe and effective in the treatment of both early and advanced stages of heart disease..

It is recommended even after a heart attack because it improves blood flow in the coronary vessels and supports the nutrition of the heart muscle..

For its ability to strengthen connective tissue and reduce inflammation, hawthorn is also recommended for digestive problems and joint diseases..

Another use of hawthorn

Hawthorn is also known for its soothing effects. .

It helps with fatigue, poor sleep, anxiety and nervousness..

It is also a valuable aid during menopause and can be used as a weight loss aid because it helps to eliminate excess water from the body, which is useful for cellulite and swelling.

Collection and processing

Two types of hawthorn are most often used – red hawthorn and white hawthorn..

It grows along roadsides, forest edges and meadows and is easily recognized by its thorns and three- or five-lobed leaves. .

The bark is collected in the spring and the fruits in the fall when they are bright red.

Flowers are collected in April to June when they are in bud or just before opening.

Production and use of hawthorn products

Hawthorn drops

Hawthorn drops are prepared from 20 grams of chopped leaves and flowers, which are poured with 200 ml of 70% alcohol..

After three weeks of leaching and regular stirring, the mixture is strained and filtered. .

These drops act preventively and as a complementary therapy for vascular and nervous system diseases..

It is recommended to take 20 drops per day with some liquid.

Hawthorn syrup

To make hawthorn syrup, we need kilogram of hawthorn fruits , which we mix with water and let sit for 24 hours..

The mixture is then boiled over low heat and after cooling it is strained..

This process is repeated to obtain the thickest syrup possible..

The finished syrup is poured into sterilized bottles and can be taken 6 to 12 spoons a day.


Although hawthorn is considered a safe and well-tolerated plant, its use is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women..

It is always advisable to consult a professional about the use of hawthorn , especially if you are taking heart medication or other health problems.


Hawthorn is a plant with a rich history and a wide range of medicinal effects.

Thanks to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties , it is a valuable contribution to heart health and overall well-being of the body.

Its use in both traditional and modern medicine confirms that it is a plant with great potential for maintaining and improving health..

Much health!

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