HomeTips for hjemmetIt is liquid gold for the heart and the eyes.Drink the juice...

It is liquid gold for the heart and the eyes.Drink the juice and you will feel better

Aronia melanocarpa is a fruit rich in many valuable nutrients.Many people may not like this fruit, but it’s worth breaking the bank and starting to include it in your diet because there are many benefits to eating it..

What does aronia contain? A true storehouse of vitamin C

Aronia is a fruit with an extremely distinctive taste.There is nothing of sweet raspberries or blueberries in it, because in the flesh we find a bitter, even slightly bitter and sour taste.

There are not many fans of these taste notes, but nevertheless, it is a fruit that is worth paying attention to, mainly because of how it affects our body.

Aronia has been shown to contain important vitamins and minerals.It is especially rich in vitamin C, but also vitamins E and B.It also contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc.

It is also a fruit ideal for canning – juices, jams and marmalades are a pleasant way to include this valuable ingredient in the diet.

Aronia spectrum of action. This is its unique power

The range of effects of chokeberry, even in the form of juice, on our body is really impressive.thanks to the high content of vitamin C and antioxidants, it strengthens our immune system.We should drink aronia juice not only when we already have a cold, but also as a preventive measure, especially in autumn and winter.

Aronia is ideal not only for short-term illnesses, but also for long-term illnesses.thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it can be used in the fight against chronic diseases.

Aronia has one of the highest antioxidant contents among fruits.It neutralizes free radicals, which can protect against heart disease, cancer and the aging process.

It is this fruit that is recommended for people who struggle with heart diseases.It lowers blood pressure and lowers cholesterol.Regular consumption of aronia can contribute to an overall improvement in heart health.

Aronia also has a great effect on our eyesight.contains anthocyanins that can improve retinal health.It also regulates blood sugar levels and improves digestion.

As you can see, it is quite a wide range of effects of one fruit.Right now, in August, the aronia harvest season begins, so it pays to prepare autumn and winter preserves at this time to ensure health support with aronia juice.

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