HomeTips for hjemmetIt is better to buy tomatoes with the stem.It's good gardener advice

It is better to buy tomatoes with the stem.It’s good gardener advice

Tomatoes reign on our tables not only in summer, but are undoubtedly a product without which the warmest season of the year would not be the same.When choosing tomatoes in the store, we pay attention to the appearance of the skin, but it is not the only indicator of quality..

Tomatoes bought with a stem are usually of better quality than those without.The stem protects the tomato from losing moisture and flavor.As you know, tomatoes go moldy very quickly and you have to do everything you can to prevent them from ending up in the bin.If the tomato does not have a stem, it is more susceptible to mold.

Why buy tomatoes with stems?

One of the main advantages of stemmed tomatoes is a longer shelf life and freshness. The stem acts as a natural barrier that reduces evaporation of water from inside the tomato, keeping it fresh longer.Another advantage is better taste and smell – Tomatoes with a stem retain their intense flavor and aroma for longer.

The stem can also be an indicator of tomato quality.How do you know which tomato is fresh and full of flavor? The color and structure of the stem is important. A green, firm stem is a sign of freshness. However, if the stem is dry and brown, it may indicate that the tomato is no longer the first fresh.

In addition, tomatoes with a green, healthy stem usually come from Poland and have not traveled a long way to reach store shelves.By choosing tomatoes with such a stem, we are therefore more sure that we are getting the highest quality products in our basket.

How do you store tomatoes to keep them fresh for as long as possible?

Tomatoes with stalks can significantly extend their freshness. They are best stored at room temperature on the kitchen counter or in an open bowl. They should have constant access to air and should not be overcrowded.It is worth using containers that ensure sufficient air circulation, for example mesh baskets or bowls with holes.

It is also important not to refrigerate tomatoes.Low temperature not only negatively affects the taste, but also causes changes in the structure of tomatoes. Tomatoes are best stored with the stem down – this restricts the access of air through the exposed part of the ‘ stem ‘, which could speed up the spoilage process.

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