HomeUncategorizedIf you knew what this herb can do with sore knees, muscles...

If you knew what this herb can do with sore knees, muscles and migraines, you would notice it much more!

Do your knees hurt, do you have headaches, muscle aches or simply need some encouragement? This inconspicuous plant can be the answer to your problems!

Green «doctor&#8220

Rosemary is one of the most useful herbs that more and more people are growing in their homes.Its aroma relaxes, heals and stimulates.

In the Mediterranean, where this herb comes from, there is a tradition that rosemary must not be missing in any household.

In addition to the beautiful smell, the people there believe that it brings peace, love and good mood to homes.

Rosemary circulates and warms , so it is suitable for use in backaches, rheumatic pains, sprains, strains or sprains, and various contusions.

Rosemary ointment massage is performed for muscle pain or cervical spine pain.

Apply to temples for migraines and headaches.But that’s not all.

Rosemary Miracle Ointment – great help with many problems!

– best for massaging a sore spine.

– it can quickly relieve back pain and muscle pain from a draft – it bloods and warms.

-relieves pain of muscles, joints and bones.

– invaluable for rheumatism and inflammatory diseases.

-rub and gently massage your temples with a migraine – can help quickly.

– for the treatment of abrasions, bruises and minor injuries or cuts.

How to make it?

We need:

approx. 250 g of pure grease, vaseline or coconut oil.

chopped rosemary (about 2 handfuls).

A clean container for scalding.


Heat the lard (vaseline is better in a water bath, ointment or oil can be used directly in the pot), but do not boil.

Pour a finely chopped sprig of rosemary into the dissolved ointment base.

Let it cool down and let it rest until the next day.

Then reheat and strain through a clean cloth so that there are no pieces of herbs in the ointment.

We immediately fill the jar, where the ointment hardens.

Best stored in the refrigerator.We use it as needed, but it’s good to always have it on hand, you’ll see for yourself!

Rosemary on the back of the neck

Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, so if you feel pain in your body, prepare this solution.

Pluck rosemary leaves from 2-3 sprigs into a glass bowl. .

Cover them with water at room temperature and leave to infuse for 20 minutes..

Then take a cotton swab, soak it in the rosemary solution and rub it on the back of your neck. .

Especially at the end of the day when your neck is stiff.

You can watch the entire procedure in the attached video at the end of the article.

Navnet mitt er Erik, og jeg elsker å utforske nye steder. Gjennom artiklene mine på dette nettstedet deler jeg mine opplevelser, tips og skjulte perler fra Choapa-regionen. Enten du er interessert i natur, kultur eller lokale tradisjoner, finner du inspirasjon her. Bli med meg på denne spennende reisen!


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