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I stick them in a pot and don’t have to fertilize.A few seeds are enough.Zamiokulkas turns green immediately

09/05/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/stock_studio).

What can you do to make your zamiokulkas grow nicely? You do not need purchased nutrients and chemical fertilizers at all.Instead, use clever and cheap tricks that will have the plant sprouting new leaves in no time..

Zamikulkas is a beautiful plant with fresh green leaves that decorates many homes.However, there are periods when it does not necessarily want to grow and slowly turns yellow.How to take care of her so that she makes you happy in all circumstances? A non-trivial but effective trick will come to your aid.

Where should zamiokulkas stand? Avoid it

Zamiokulkas is not difficult to grow and tolerates adverse conditions well, but a few basic points must be kept in mind in order to grow healthy and lush.First of all, find a semi-shady spot or even full shade for him in the apartment, as long as he is out of direct sunlight.Otherwise, it may lose its intense green color and sooner or later brown spots will appear on the leaves.Also, make sure it doesn’t stand below 5 degrees because that’s an easy way for it to die.

What should you water zamiokulkas so that it grows nicely? Better not to overdo it with watering

Watering zamiokulk should be relatively rare and not too abundant.All because it efficiently stores water in both the leaves and the rhizomes.Therefore, water it only after the soil has dried.It is better to wait a while than to water it, because a short period of drought will not hurt it, and overwatering is the exact opposite.In addition, during the growing season it pays to fertilize regularly – even once every 2-3 weeks.Don’t just do it during the fall/winter season and immediately after transplanting.

TIP! When watering zamiokulk, use only distilled water, preferably at room temperature.Boiled water also works well..

What to fertilize zamiokulkas? Home remedies almost free

Coffee grounds are ideal for fertilizing zamiokulka.It is enough to mix them into the top layer of the soil and the components will gradually be released from them.Additionally, you can also use this trick on Sunflower Seeds. Bury them in the pot and they will provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients and take care of its roots in particular.Applying these simple tricks will make it grow like water.

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