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I put them in a pot and cover with water with this addition.After an hour, the burners are like new

24/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/k1tyara).

How to remove old dirt and clean burners without scrubbing? Forget caustic chemicals.Instead, use simple, cheap and above all home tricks that will restore them to perfect cleanliness and keep your appliance running flawlessly..

A stove that is dirty from burns and grease is probably everyone’s nightmare. In an ideal world, it would be enough to wipe it down thoroughly every day after cooking or frying.Unfortunately, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we tend to put this task off until we really have to.In such a situation, cleaning can be really difficult and burners are especially problematic.How to clean them again quickly and without scrubbing?

How do you remove old dirt from the stove? Make your own homemade cleaning product

Cleaning a gas stove doesn’t have to involve laborious scrubbing, soaking, and spending money to buy extra chemicals. A home remedy is ideal for dirt, burns, and grease.

How to make and use it?.

  1. Pour about a cup of water into a spray bottle and add 3 tablespoons of vinegar.
  2. Remove the grate and burners from the gas stove.
  3. Spray dirt with the mixture.
  4. Leave it on for about 15 minutes (if the stove is very dirty, even 30 minutes).
  5. After the time has passed, wipe with a damp sponge or soft cloth and finally dry.

TIP! Always remember to use rubber gloves when cleaning.Both when using caustic chemicals and at home methods.Vinegar and baking soda can also irritate hands, so be careful..

What do you use to clean the gas stove grate? Put it in the sink

To clean the grate occasionally, put it in the sink (or if it won’t fit, in a large bowl or bathtub) and pour hot water with a few drops of dishwashing liquid and a little vinegar. Leave it on for 30 minutes for the burns to soak in and after the time is up, wipe with the sharper side of the sponge.Finally, wipe dry with a paper towel.

What can you wash the burners with? Give them a lemon bath

When cleaning the stove, you can’t forget the burners. After washing, they will not only look clean, but especially dirt can interfere with their operation. So put them in a pot after disassembly, then sprinkle them liberally with baking soda and cover them with boiling water with lemon juice. You can also use its peel.Here too, rely on soaking, which should last 30 minutes to an hour.It all depends on the degree of pollution.Finally, wipe the burners thoroughly to get dirt out of every nook and cranny and dry them. A stove thus cleaned will shine..

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