HomeHusI put some leaves on the radiator.The annoying problem disappeared and my...

I put some leaves on the radiator.The annoying problem disappeared and my wallet rested

09/03/2024 (Photo: private archive).

What does bay leaf help? It is known for its characteristic aroma, which gives dishes a unique taste.It also has other useful features that you may not have known about.Put it on the radiator and you’ll see quickly..

Many people are trying to limit the use of ready-made solutions from the store in favor of natural alternatives. Bay leaf is an ideal substitute for preparations from the store.

How to use bay leaf? It is useful not only for cooking

More and more people are moving away from commercial air fresheners. There are many reasons.Not only are they expensive, but they also have an artificial fragrance that can trigger allergies. .

An alternative lies in the humble bay leaf.The reason? It contains many aromatic oils with a herbal and spicy fragrance .Just a few pieces placed on a warm radiator can quickly fill a room with a pleasant fragrance, which lasts for many days.Bay leaf in addition to its fragrance acts as an effective natural deodorant that neutralizes and eliminates unwanted odors in the home..

  1. Turn on the heat to warm up the radiator.
  2. Place a few bay leaves directly on the radiator.You can also place them in a heat-resistant container filled with water.
  3. Allow the bay leaves to heat up.The longer they are exposed to heat, the stronger the scent will be.

What is a bay leaf doing under the pillow? Take a few of them into the bedroom

Because of the pleasant smell of bay leaves, many people also use them in the bedroom. It can have a calming and relaxing effect, so it is useful for calming, soothing and falling asleep. Placing a few pieces of this spice under your pillow is an old practice that helps fight insomnia..

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