HomeHusI poured it into a bowl and left it overnight.The cockroaches converged...

I poured it into a bowl and left it overnight.The cockroaches converged on each other

05/09/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/IrinaK).

How to get rid of cockroaches? You don’t have to fight them to the end, because home remedies can handle most of them.What should you do? It’s easier than it seems..

Many associate the period of vacations and trips abroad to warmer countries with cockroaches, which, unfortunately, sometimes appear in hostels and hotels. they did not disturb our space .Fortunately, there is a way to do this.

Do cockroaches come from dirt? It doesn’t necessarily work that way

While there is a lot of truth that cockroaches are attracted to our homes by dirt, this is not always the case.Insects like warm and humid places.They are also attracted by the smell of rain or leftover food.Because of this it is possible that they approach the garbage cans next to our house and then look for a way inside. Cockroaches most often travel through the drains and ventilation.They can even come to you from a neighbor who doesn’t care much about the cleanliness of his apartment.How to get rid of them?

How to get rid of cockroaches?

Although cockroaches mostly feed at night and avoid humans, they still loathe us and no one would want them to stay in our homes permanently. In addition to frequent cleaning of the apartment, you can also use home remedies.

  • Use beer. Soak towels in it and spread it in the evening on places where insects appear.The scent attracts and stuns them, causing them to die.Take them away from the house so they can’t come back.Repeat the process for a few days until you get rid of them all.You can also pour the liquid into a bowl and wait for the cockroaches to get inside and drown.
  • Use coffee grounds.Brew strong coffee and use the remaining grounds as a trap.Pour them into a jar and place them in a strategic place overnight and the insects will get inside.When finished, close the container and dispose of it.
  • ADVICE! Remember that home remedies cannot solve all insect problems.If the problem persists, or worse, it gets worse, it’s a good idea to contact a professional company to help you get rid of them..

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