18. 8. 2024 (Photo: shutterstock/TiAnaTsk).
Bread must be stored properly so that it does not mold or become stale.Many people keep bread in the bread box and it is a good direction, but one thing must be realized.Two cubes are enough and you will keep the bread fresh much longer..
In most households, bread is stored in a bread box. Various types of containers are available on the market, from metal to wooden and plastic, but a bread box alone is not enough. What can you do to extend the freshness of your bread? Here is the best way..
How to store bread so it doesn’t go moldy? This trick is reliable.Try it and you will always repeat it
Improperly stored bread spoils and becomes stale quickly. If you are in the habit of buying larger loaves, remember that you can cut them into pieces and freeze them. Do not forget, however, that you must not store it like this for more than three months.
How do you extend the freshness of bread? Just put two sugar cubes in the baking pan. It sounds unusual, but it really works. Sugar turns out to be a great moisture absorber. If you put it around the bread, it will keep it from going moldy as quickly, and it will also keep it fresh for up to a week.
TIP! If you don’t have sugar cubes available, you can achieve a similar effect by putting a piece of apple in the bread box.Just remember to replace it regularly so it doesn’t go bad..
Can bread be kept in the fridge? It’s a bad idea.This will not prolong its freshness at all
Many people store bread in the refrigerator, thinking that it will stay soft longer at a lower temperature. This is a myth, because the truth is that cold has the opposite effect and makes the bread harden faster. It will not even taste good because it will absorb the odors from the refrigerator.It should be remembered that bread should be stored at a temperature between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius..