HomeHusI always have a ball of tin foil in my cupboard.I will...

I always have a ball of tin foil in my cupboard.I will save a lot of nerves and money

9/9/2024 (Photo: private archive).

How to get rid of food moths in the kitchen and cupboard? Despite their inconspicuous size, they can do a lot of damage.If you want to deal with them, use a homemade trick of using tin foil..

Moles are a common problem that causes a lot of nerves and frustration.Getting rid of them is often not a piece of cake.These insects multiply extremely quickly, so we should not delay in taking measures.We have a clever trick for you to get rid of both food and clothing moths.

What about a ball of tin foil? A scented trap that rids your home of moths

Not everyone knows that the solution to the annoying problem with moths in our closet or kitchen can be a piece of aluminum foil.It is important that it is filled with a special filling.Intense scents such as lavender, mint, bay leaf, vanilla, anise, lemon, lemongrass, sage, cloves or allspice.All you have to do is wrap one of the listed products in aluminum foil and form a ball.Then place it in the place where you observe their greatest occurrence.

Such «scented traps’ not only act as a deterrent for moths, but also prevent them from nesting again.This trick will keep insects away while keeping the interiors smelling nice.Remember to change the beads regularly, as the scent can become less intense over time, reducing the effectiveness of the foil beads.

How to get rid of moths as quickly as possible? Practical tips with universal use

If you don’t happen to have foil handy, you haven’t lost anything. Soap is also a great way to get rid of moths. Best in a cube.Simply divide it into pieces and spread them in batches inside the cabinet.

A simple solution also appeared on Tik-Tok on an account called peachy clean.Video under the title: Do you have moths in your pantry? Try this simple hack that shows how to quickly prepare a home remedy against moths.

  • Step 1: Pour vinegar into a spray bottle..
  • Step 2: Add 10 drops each of tea tree, peppermint and eucalyptus essential oil..
  • Step 3: Dilute with water and spray..
  • Before you know it, uninvited insects will no longer disturb your space.

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