HomeHusI always add this fruit to a bag of potatoes.They do not...

I always add this fruit to a bag of potatoes.They do not sprout and stay fresh longer

29. 8. 2024 (Photo: shutterstock.com/David Pimborough).

How to store potatoes in the cupboard? In order to keep them fresh and edible for a long time, it is good to remember a few rules.Certain fruits are also helpful.Add it to your bag and you’ll forget about sprouts in no time..

Have you bought potatoes, thrown them in the cupboard and after a week they look like they want to climb out on their own? Unfortunately, poorly stored potatoes soften very quickly and begin to sprout.How to prevent it? It’s not that hard.

Can potatoes go bad? Yes, and very quickly

Proper storage of potatoes is the key to keeping them edible for a long time.Especially since we often buy more of them than we can eat at one time. Nevertheless, many people make the mistake of quickly throwing them in the trash.Not to mention that sometimes they even seem to take on a life of their own thanks to sprouting. Everyone has at least once seen a funny meme about a potato taking over the basement or kitchen cupboard. Malignant people claim that they are much easier to grow than any pretty potted plant.What can you do to prevent them from becoming a sprouting monster?.

How do you store potatoes in the cupboard? Three rules are important: dark, dry and cold

If you store potatoes at home, the most important thing is to give them space:

  • out of reach of daylight,.
  • relatively dry.
  • A bright environment and humidity have a very negative effect on them.For this reason, it is recommended to store them in the basement or garage, although the reality is of course that not everyone has one. Therefore, the ideal place is the hall closet or, if the weather is not capricious, the balcony.It would be ideal if the ambient temperature were around 10 degrees Celsius.This is one of the reasons why it is not recommended to store potatoes in the kitchen, where it is often hotter when cooking. When you provide them with these conditions, you can be sure that they will not sprout and that they will have a shelf life of up to six months!

    What to do so that the potatoes do not spoil? Use fruit

    However, there are times when the kitchen is the only place where you can store potatoes.To minimize the risk of them spoiling immediately, place them in a bag, bucket or bin and store them away from heat sources. You can also use a simple trick to add some apples to them.In this way, they will keep freshness longer and will not germinate for a long time.All because apples produce a gas, ethylene, which benefits them..

    TIP! Interestingly, the ethylene released by apples also adversely affects other types of fruit and vegetables, such as carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, avocados, bananas, pears and tomatoes.So keep them away..

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