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How to get rid of ants effectively? Here are three home remedies from our grandmothers

28. 8. 2024 (Photo: shutterstock/JMVV).

Landscaping and paving are not just about beautifying the property.Unfortunately, one of the problems that garden owners can encounter is the nesting of ants in the spaces between paving stones.How to deal with them? Not everyone remembers that in moderation they are beneficial creatures.But what to do when their population becomes too troublesome? It is worth reaching for the home remedies of our grandmothers..

Ants in the garden.Friend or Foe?

Ants are insects that most of us are very familiar with.They can appear in any garden and are even useful in moderation. They are often underrated gardeners’ helpers.They help maintain cleanliness by removing organic debris, aerate the soil and improve its structure, which promotes better water and nutrient flow.

Problems start when the ant population gets too big.Their presence can then lead to the paving falling or creating unevenness.

Baking soda

Baking soda is not only a great agent for removing moss and weeds, but also an effective agent against ants. Interestingly, baking soda has a similar effect on ants as salt – causes insects to stop using their paths..

Just pour it liberally into the spaces between the cubes and the ants will move away quickly

Instead of baking soda alone, you can make a homemade mixture to use if you find a whole anthill in your garden: mix 5 tablespoons of baking soda with an equal amount of powdered sugar and a tablespoon of water and pour it into the anthill.This will reduce the ant population in the garden..

Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth repels and fights pests, acts as a soil conditioner and costs only a few euros. Sprinkle your garden with this preparation and you will quickly get rid of insect problems..

Just sprinkle this light powder (available at gardening stores) on paving stones, especially in areas where ants are found. The diatomaceous earth and baking soda treatment should be repeated from time to time, especially after a rainy or windy day..

Marjoram infusion

To get rid of ants, you can use chopped marjoram or crushed leaves by simply sprinkling them on their routes.

The preparation of the infusion is very simple: put a few teaspoons of marjoram in a glass, cover with boiling water and cover to cool. After draining, pour the infusion into a spray bottle and spray it on the pavers, concentrating on anthills and paths..

Marjoram will not only repel ants in the garden and benefit bees, but will also be a beautiful decoration of the summer garden.

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