Bees.These little insects that many of us find annoying actually have a key role in our ecosystem.Despite this, the bee colony faces increasing threats.Urbanization, climate change and the excessive use of pesticides make life difficult for them, which threatens not only the production of honey, but also the very diversity of the plant world.If we lost the bees, the consequences would be catastrophic – a third of the crops we are used to could disappear and the world would be changed forever..
Gifts that bees bring us.
Bees provide us not only honey, but also many other valuable products.Propolis, royal jelly, bee venom with potential anti-cancer effects, bee pollen and bee bread are all gifts that contribute to our health and well-being.Since time immemorial, honey has been used not only for sweetening, but also as a natural medicine.It helps in the treatment of breathing difficulties, eye problems, tuberculosis, jaundice, skin diseases and wounds.Beeswax, which was once used in the construction industry, is today mainly used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
What would happen if the bees disappeared?.
If bees stopped pollinating plants, we would face the loss of many types of crops, such as nuts, coffee, cocoa, tomatoes, apples and almonds.With this, the healing effects of the products produced by bees would also disappear.The ecological balance would be disturbed and biodiversity would be significantly reduced.
How can we help bees?.
Each of us can contribute to the protection of bees.In urban areas, it is important that bees have enough opportunities for pollination.Instead of a perfect lawn, it is better to let a variety of flowers grow in the garden to provide them with food.If you live in an apartment, flowers on the windowsill can significantly help bees.
During seasons when bees have difficulty getting nectar, you can help them in a simple way – leave some sugar mixed with water outside.The bees will thus obtain the necessary energy for further pollination and thus also for the preservation of our natural wealth.
Your help can ensure that bees continue to fulfill their irreplaceable role and that our world remains colorful and full of life.