HomeHusGrandma Žofia soaked cotton wool with this preparation and spread it all...

Grandma Žofia soaked cotton wool with this preparation and spread it all over the house.Mice did not settle at her place

23. 8. 2024 (Photo: shutterstock/IrinaK).

They are most often looking for food, water and shelter.However, their presence in our interiors is not welcome.How to get rid of mice from your home? If you want to do it for good, use a trick that exploits their weakness..

Mice are annoying pests for many people that can enter the house and disturb the peace.Rodents are unpleasant in many ways. They are known to carry disease and cause damage as they tend to gnaw through wood, wiring and insulation.Not to mention they leave a trail of droppings behind. If you want to effectively deter them, you can turn to homemade and completely safe solutions that are within your reach..

How to get rid of mice in your home? A simple and humane way to remove them for good

If you have a minor mouse problem (rather than a full-on infestation) and don’t want to spend money on an extermination company, try home remedies to get rid of them.Focus on the weak points. Rodents do not like pungent and strong smells, for example mint..

Peppermint oil.Many pests hate peppermint, and mice belong to this group.Rub or spray peppermint oil on baseboards or entry points. You can also soak a cotton ball and spread it in strategic places.Replace them after 5-7 days..

TIP! You can use apple cider vinegar instead of peppermint.Dilute it with water and then spray it around the house.You can also spray inside and around entrances.Remember to apply regularly, at least once a month..

How to get rid of mice in your home most effectively? This trick works as a deterrent

Another thing when it comes to smells that mice prefer to avoid is the smell of another animal, such as a cat or dog. Rodents are careful to avoid danger, so the mere smell of a natural enemy or their litter can make the pests scurry away..

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