HomeTips for hjemmetGet rid of spiders in the house.Try the trick with chestnuts

Get rid of spiders in the house.Try the trick with chestnuts

With the arrival of autumn, chestnut trees appear in our parks and forests, which are traditionally a symbol of this season.In addition to the fact that children use them in the creation of various art projects, many adults like to use them as natural decorations.Well, what if we tell you that these inconspicuous fruits can also be a very practical helper in the home?.

A walk in the forest in September can bring more than just beautiful experiences – collect chestnuts and prepare for the season when spiders start to move indoors.Many people consider spiders to be a symbol of good luck, but for a large part of the population these uninvited visitors are unwanted.

How to deal with spiders in the home?

As temperatures drop and humidity increases, spiders look for a place to survive the cold season.They do not disdain our homes, as they find ideal conditions here – warmth and enough space to sell cobwebs.Although these creatures are fascinating to some, others would prefer to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

If insecticides or protective nets are not helping you much, it may be time to try something more natural.The answer lies in the chestnuts you have collected.

Chestnuts as a natural repellent

If the sight of a spider scares you, you can try a simple but effective trick.Place the chestnuts on the windowsill or around the windows.If you cut them finely, they release a stronger smell that repels spiders.These fruits act as a natural repellent and will prevent spiders from entering your abode.

In addition, chestnuts can also help protect your plants.Make a natural spray of horse chestnut powder and water and spray it on your flowers to protect them from aphids and other pests.

This simple tip can help you not only in the fight against spiders, but also in taking care of your garden – all thanks to common chestnuts.

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