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Get rid of mice in your house in one step: Just pour THIS into the container!

The winter months are a challenging time for homeowners, especially with the heating season and the bitter cold.

The snow makes it impossible for us to get to the garage in the morning, but that’s not the only problem we face. .

During the frosty months, we are also visited by uninvited guests – mice.

These small rodents, considered cute by some, scary by others, try to hide in our homes during the winter, where they find warmth and plenty of food.

The domekiogrodek portal advises how to get rid of them and protect your home.

In this article you will find useful advice and you will have peace of mind from these rodents. .

Uninvited guests in our homes

Winter is a difficult time for most of us.

Just when we think we’ve gotten rid of mosquitoes and ticks for a while, suddenly mice appear..

These rodents are particularly unpleasant for people who are sensitive to scratching, smells and unpleasant sounds.

Moreover, mice quickly find their way to our supplies and turn them into a feast.

But how to protect ourselves from them and how to drive them out of our home ?

Ultrasonic mouse repellers

One of the modern ways to get rid of mice is using ultrasonic repellers.

These devices produce high-frequency sounds that repel mice.

Although this method is effective, it has its drawbacks.

Ultrasonic repellers are often more expensive than traditional home remedies for mice.

Some users complain about low-quality devices making noises that are audible even to humans, which can be very annoying.

That’s why many turn to proven home methods.

Homemade mouse repellants

There are several simple and effective home methods how to get rid of mice..

One of the simplest is using vinegar..

Just soak a piece of cloth in vinegar and place it near where the mice hang out, or put a small bowl of vinegar there..

Mice hate the smell of vinegar, which will often make them leave your house..

Another effective method is using mint or lavender.

These plants have a strong smell that mice hate.

If you have fresh or dried mint or lavender leaves on hand, you can place them near the mouse holes.

The smell of these plants will quickly make mice leave your home.

The winter months bring many challenges, but also opportunities how to get rid of mice from our home.

Whether you opt for modern ultrasonic repellers or traditional home methods, it is important to act quickly and efficiently.

Protecting your home from mice during the winter will give you the peace and comfort you deserve during the cold months..

Good luck!

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