Water is a resource that we may not have valued too much in the past.We have often carelessly spent liter quantities without thinking about the consequences.Today, however, more and more people are thinking about how to reduce their water consumption, not only for environmental reasons, but also for financial reasons.If you are one of those who are looking for ways to save water effectively, start where the most is used on a daily basis – the toilet..
A normal flush uses up to 9 liters of water, which can be a significant burden on the environment and your budget when used several times a day.If you live with a family, the total water consumption can quickly grow to dizzying numbers.Fortunately, there is an easy way to reduce this consumption.
How to do that?.
- Remove the cover from the toilet flush tank.
- Find the float that regulates the amount of water in the tank.You can adjust its position by simply turning the controller.Turning it to the left will lower it slightly, which will cause the tank to fill with less water.By turning to the right, on the contrary, you add more water to the flush.
- Put the reservoir cap back on and you’re done.
This small action allows you to systematically save water every time you flush, without even noticing.You can adjust the amount of water in the tank according to your needs and thus reduce water consumption in your home in the long term.
If you would like to learn more, there are a number of videos that will show you the process step by step.It doesn’t matter if you know English, the video shows the whole process comprehensibly even for laymen.