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Did we do that wrong too? He showed how to use the dishwasher.Internet users shocked.’Mine smells like she’s dying’

1/9/2024 (Photo: private archive).

Appliance expert shares controversial advice with internet users on how to properly use a dishwasher.It turns out that many people could be wrong.Not all Internet users liked this advice..

Today, the dishwasher is one of the appliances without which many people cannot imagine their kitchen.It offers the luxury of saving time. However, it is often a source of frustration when you find that the dishes are still dirty after washing. An appliance expert shared a tip on TikTok to help ensure we use the appliance properly..

How to properly wash dishes in a dishwasher? Appliance expert reveals patent for better washing

An employee of an appliance store explained in a video posted on the Internet how we should properly use a dishwasher. Those who carefully removed food residues before putting the dishes in the appliance may feel disappointed.According to the expert, thorough rinsing of plates is not recommended at all.The reason?.

According to him, by leaving residues, the detergent will be able to work better and, as a result, wash the dishes more effectively.– Just scrape off the dirt and leave the food particles on it and the detergent will work better, he explained..

Internet users moved by the suggestion of an employee of a white goods store.An avalanche of comments under the video

The expert’s advice not to thoroughly wash the plates before putting them in the dishwasher was met with mixed feelings by netizens. A few commenters disagreed, and some called it simply a sales ploy.Some decided to try the patent and found that leaving food on the plate had the opposite effect. Instead of sparkling clean dishes, the dishes were covered with dried residue..

We tried this when we bought a new dishwasher.It didn’t work and the high temperature made the leftover food stick even more..

How to keep the dishwasher from smelling like rotting food? Because if I don’t rinse them, my dishwasher smells like it’s dying..

It is not true.They must soak in the sink for 3 days..

Sounds like something an appliance salesman would say to keep sales..

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