Summer is the time when we want to enjoy pleasant evenings outside, but unpleasant buzzing insects, especially mosquitoes, often spoil our mood.Traditional insecticides can be expensive and not always effective, so more and more people are turning to natural and homemade solutions.Did you know that the common onion, which is an integral part of our kitchen, can be an effective mosquito repellent?.
Onions, which are rich in vitamins C, A and group B, also contain many minerals such as iron, calcium and sulphur.In addition, it is full of essential oils and antioxidants.It is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, but less well known is the fact that it can also repel various types of insects, including mosquitoes.
How to use onions to fight mosquitoes?
If you want to use onions as a natural repellent, just peel them and cut them into slices.Then place these slices in a bowl and place it near a window or bed.The compounds contained in onions release a scent that repels mosquitoes, so they won’t bother you while you sleep.This trick also helps deter other unwanted insects, such as ants and flies.
Onions as a versatile helper
However, onions are not only effective repellants.If you have already been bitten by a mosquito and you have an unpleasant itching sensation, it is enough to gently rub a piece of onion on the affected area.Onion juice has bactericidal effects and can prevent infection, while itching and swelling disappear after just a few minutes.
Other natural methods to repel mosquitoes
In addition to onions, there are other simple and effective ways to avoid mosquitoes.For example, try vinegar mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1 and spray this mixture on window frames and window sills.That way mosquitoes won’t get inside.How about pouring the grounds into a heat-resistant container after your morning coffee and lighting it on fire? This procedure not only saves the environment, but also protects you from annoying insects.
Try these natural methods and enjoy a mosquito-free summer!