HomeTips for hjemmetCan we use a cell phone during a storm? You should know...

Can we use a cell phone during a storm? You should know this

Hot summer is a season of stormy weather.After heat waves, it is not difficult for lightning to occur, which can cause many dangerous situations.Safety precautions should be taken during storms, but there are many myths and misinformation about storms.One of them says that using the phone during a storm can attract lightning – but how is it in reality?.

Storms in Slovakia – occurrence

Storms are a common atmospheric phenomenon in Slovakia, especially in summer.They are usually the result of the collision of two air masses with different temperatures and humidity.Warm and moist air flowing from southern regions often meets cooler air from the north or west.

Storms in Poland most often occur from May to September, with their peak in June and July..

Does the phone ‘attract’ lightning? Popular myths about thunderstorms

Thunderstorms are a fascinating atmospheric phenomenon that has attracted many myths and superstitions over the centuries.It happens that we still believe some of them.One of the popular myths about this atmospheric phenomenon is the ‘downloading’ of thunderstorms, which is supposed to happen via the phone. Fearing an electric shock, many people choose to turn off their electronics in the home during the storm.Are there any real reasons for this?

Is it OK to use a phone during a storm?

Although it makes sense to turn off electronics in the home because it can protect against damage to equipment in the event of an electrical surge, the widespread belief that using a cell phone during a thunderstorm can attract lightning is a myth.

Calling or texting does not attract lightning – this is one of the classic storm myths. Using a cell phone, as well as other devices that use wireless transmission, does not increase the likelihood of being struck by lightning. According to researchers at Stanford University, ‘the likelihood of a cell phone being struck by lightning is very unlikely (…) The belief that lightning can to track radio waves is completely unfounded.’

So this means we don’t have to be afraid to use a cell phone during a thunderstorm. But it’s good to remember to follow other safety rules during lightning.One of them is, for example, turning off electronics.

Storm – should you turn off your electronics?

«A storm is coming – unplug appliances!» – Who among us has never encountered such an opinion? However, it turns out that this rule makes a lot of sense.But it’s not about ‘attracting the lightning,’ it’s about staying safe. Unplugging electrical appliances actually makes sense as it will protect your equipment from damage in the event of a power surge during a lightning strike. So, during a major lightning strike, it pays to not only turn off electrical appliances, but also unplug them.

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