HomeTips for hjemmetBrutal weather will hit all of Slovakia tomorrow.Here come the floods

Brutal weather will hit all of Slovakia tomorrow.Here come the floods

Slovakia experienced a record warm summer, but according to meteorologists, we will soon see a significant change in the weather.After a period of drought, a wave of floods can hit the country..

Already from Monday (9.(September) meteorologists predict the arrival of significant precipitation and significant cooling.The iMeteo portal warns of downpours that can cause serious problems.

The cold front that will hit Slovakia will bring the first wave of significant rain.These precipitations will end a long period of high temperatures.

«The progress of the cold front is also evident on satellite images.And during the week we expect further cold fronts that may affect the weather in different parts of Europe,» reports the portal.

According to the long-term forecast, we can expect rainfall in excess of 200 mm in the next ten days, which may lead to the risk of flooding.

Weather changes will come already during the night on Monday, especially in the west of Slovakia, where showers, rains and sometimes storms are expected.

During the day, precipitation should spread to several areas of the country, while the eastern parts of Slovakia should be an exception.

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