HomeHusAre there more and more spiders in your home? You probably attract...

Are there more and more spiders in your home? You probably attract them with this

25/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/Christine Bird).

Spiders are useful animals that help clean our home of insects.However, many people are afraid of them and even have a phobia about their presence in the home.Find out what attracts spiders to your home and how to get rid of them naturally..

What attracts spiders?

Many people believe that spiders are attracted to light. As a rule, it is a myth, although indirectly it can be considered true.Why? Light attracts many kinds of insects to our houses and apartments, which seek shelter here. They are the food for spiders.Especially because their breeding season starts at the beginning of September, so they look for shelter and food.Flies, mosquitoes or moths, but also ants and beetles are most often on their menu.And that is the main factor that attracts spiders to our apartments and houses..

Do this and there will be a lot less spiders in your home

Of course, we can influence whether there will be more or less spiders in our apartment or house. First of all, we need to ensure that the places where spiders can get into our apartment are properly sealed. This is mainly about window frames and spaces under doors.We can do this with gaskets or sealing strips. The second condition is regular cleaning, especially of all nooks and crannies and spaces under furniture, where spiders like to hang out and also lay their eggs..

4 natural methods to repel spiders from your home

For people who want to make sure that spiders do not appear in their home, we have 4 effective means of repelling them. And what’s more – they are natural. The first is lemon peel. If you rub it on moldings, windowsills, and shelves, you create a kind of barrier that spiders can’t get through. Other natural ways to get rid of spiders from the house is to plant plants on windowsills, which give off a strong smell. This applies especially to eucalyptus, mint or lemongrass..

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