HomeTips for hjemmetAluminum foil for the car windshield saves something you should know

Aluminum foil for the car windshield saves something you should know

Once the summer is in full swing, getting into a car that has been sitting in the sun can be very uncomfortable.Especially on hot days, the interior of the vehicle quickly turns into a literally hot trap.Most drivers who do not have the opportunity to park in the shade or in a garage are well aware of this problem.However, there is an easy way to mitigate this unpleasant effect without spending a lot of money..

Danger of overheating: The car is like a greenhouse

A car left in the sun acts like a greenhouse, literally.The temperature inside can rise to unbearable values ​​within a few minutes.For example, with an outside temperature of 30 °C, it can be almost 50 °C in the car after only 15 minutes.Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that children or pets are not left in the car, as overheating can have tragic consequences.

A simple trick from the kitchen: How to keep your car cooler

To prevent the interior of your car from overheating, you can use a simple and cheap trick that is literally at your fingertips.The aluminum foil that you normally use in the kitchen can also be used to protect your car from the sun’s rays.It is enough to spread it on the windshield so that it covers the entire window.The film will reflect the sun and the interior of the car will not heat up as quickly.

Protect not only the interior, but also the headlights

In addition to protecting the interior itself, you should also think about the exterior elements of the car, such as headlights and mirrors.By covering them, you can prevent deterioration caused by direct sunlight.This unusual trick will help you keep your headlights in good condition, which is crucial for road safety.

Protecting your car from the heat is easy and affordable.A few small measures are enough and you will avoid the unpleasant feeling of getting into a hot vehicle.And although it may seem that a few minutes in the sun can do no harm, the opposite is true.Therefore, do not forget about simple measures that will save you not only money, but also nerves.

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