HomeHusAfter such a shower, the mites will run away wherever the pepper...

After such a shower, the mites will run away wherever the pepper grows.Take two ingredients and make a cheap spray

16/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/Catherine Eckert).

Mites often attack potted plants.Despite your efforts to take care of them properly, they can settle unnoticed in monstera or diefenbachia.Fortunately, you can easily deal with them.How do you get rid of mites? You can get rid of unwanted residents using a home remedy..

Mites are small pests that often attack indoor flowers.Since they are only half a millimeter in size, they are difficult to see with the naked eye.The presence of small arachnids can only be detected by the characteristic symptoms on the plants.How to recognize them? A few details will help distinguish them from other pests.

What do mites look like? Evidence of their presence can be found on the leaves

Dust mites do best in dry and warm places, so they like to visit our homes.Since they have no natural enemies indoors, they multiply quickly and gradually attack all plants. When you notice yellowish or whitish spots on the leaves, this is the first warning sign of this pest.Over time, the damage can spread over larger areas and the leaves start to turn brown and die.

Sometimes the first noticeable symptom is tiny spider webs that cover the underside of the leaves and run between the stems. They can be easily observed on a sunny day or when spraying the plant. Then you need to use an anti-mite product. Otherwise, you will say goodbye to your favorite flowers.

How to dispose of mites? A home remedy to get rid of the problem quickly

When choosing an agent against mites, the safety of the plant must be taken into account.Store-bought products usually contain a lot of chemicals, so opt for effective, homemade methods.Below you will find two sprays that are fantastic for fighting small pests.

  1. Garlic and onion in spray. Put 8 cloves of garlic and onion in a blender.Pour a liter of water into the container, mix and leave for two hours.After this time, strain the liquid through cheesecloth or a fine sieve and pour it into a spray bottle.
  2. Water with gray soap. Pour a pint of warm water into a spray bottle and add half a teaspoon of grated soap (if you have gray liquid soap, this will work too).Mix everything, let it cool completely and spray the plants.

TIP! To eliminate mites, use the above sprays every 3 – 4 days during at least one month.When applying the solution, focus mostly on the underside of the leaves, where the pests usually have their hiding places..

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