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Add aromatic spices to the pot.It solves the problem of yellowing of orchid leaves

31/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/aopsan).

Orchids.Exotic plants that delight with their flowers and colors.That is why they are such a popular choice for room decoration.Although they are not too difficult to grow, they require a little different care than typical potted plants.What should you do if the leaves of your orchid turn yellow? You can help the plant by using … cinnamon..

Orchid – ideal interior decoration, which is often chosen as a gift.Thanks to its distinctive appearance, it is quite often used as a decoration for the living room or office space.Although it is not too difficult to grow, it requires a little different care than a typical houseplant.

Where does the orchid come from?

In the first group of plants from the orchid family (Orchidaceae) there are tens of thousands of species and almost 1,000 genera.They differ not only in appearance, but also in appearance. Most orchids are epiphytes that grow mainly on the branches of trees or on the surface of other plants to receive nutrients.They are found mainly in the forests of Central and South America, as well as in the southeastern part of Asia.On the other hand, the second group includes orchids that grow on the ground.They are mainly found in tropical forests, but quite a lot of them also grow in Australia and Europe.

Orchid in a flowerpot.What are her requirements?

The most popular variety of orchids that we can grow in pots is Phalenopsis.The plant prefers heat, partial shade and high humidity.

Light has a decisive influence on flowering. The plant prefers bright places where the light is diffused. Therefore, the windowsill on the east and southwest sides is ideal for them.If the orchid is to be in a room on the south side, it should be at a sufficient distance from the window.

What does the orchid not like? It should be remembered that an excess of water does not benefit it. Excessive watering leads to the development of fungal diseases and root rot.That’s why moderation is key when watering.It is best to water the orchid when the substrate dries out after the previous watering.

Why do orchid leaves turn yellow?

Sometimes an orchid can be a bit capricious.This can be reflected in the leaves.When there is a problem, they start to turn yellow.This can have many causes, one of which is over- or under-watering the plant.

In addition, potential culprits include too little light (especially in autumn and winter), insufficient temperature (ideal temperature is 20 to 22 °C), insufficient fertilization or simply aging of the plant.

What to do in such a situation? You can help your orchid in a simple and natural way.Your ally in this situation will be a well-known aromatic spice.We are talking about cinnamon, which has antibacterial and antifungal effects in addition to its aroma and taste. Cinnamon will help protect the orchid from diseases that prevent flowering. To make your orchid look amazing, it’s a good idea to add a pinch of cinnamon to the pot.

State of peace

After flowering, the orchid goes dormant.During this period, the plant regenerates and produces flowers again. Lasts six to eight weeks. During this period, watering and fertilizing should be reduced and the plants should be given more light.When new shoots appear, you can water and fertilize the orchid more intensively.

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