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Tell this to everyone who has aching joints, teeth and a sore throat: Our grandfathers’ recipe hides even expensive drugs from the pharmacy in your pocket!

For some, fatty bacon is a delicacy that they can never resist, while others avoid it mainly because it somehow does not fit into the formula of a healthy diet.

This is a mistake, however, because bacon contains a large number of vitamins and beneficial substances..

Its consumption in moderation will only benefit you.

In addition, it has other fantastic properties that are not connected to its consumption.

It can help with toothache or angina.

What does it contain?

Raw bacon contains a number of substances beneficial to health.

This meat product contains vitamin B1 (thiamine, aneurin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin E and also minerals – calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc.Combined together, these ingredients work wonders!

It also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which the body cannot produce on its own and without which the body cannot function properly.

Another interesting substance is arachidonic acid, which partially breaks down the cholesterol we consume with food..

There is also hyaluronic acid, which acts against skin aging.

For a sore throat

Perhaps your mother or grandmother emphasized to you in the past that the fact that the bacon is fatty is the most important thing.

According to them, it is the ointment that has fantastic effects, which is why you had to eat bacon when you had a sore throat, for example.

The argument was – to ‘grease your throat’.

And indeed it is so.

For example, it helps with angina if you put slices of white, unsmoked bacon on your throat, tie it and let it work .

Knee pain

We soak the bacon slices in alcohol or frankincense for a day, place them on the sore spot, cover them with a burdock leaf and tie them with a bandage..

This is how we sleep during the night.

If the burdock is black or dark in the morning, it means that it ‘brought out the disease’.

If it is not, try to repeat the treatment.

Pain relief will tell you if the burdock and bacon treatment was successful.

For beautiful skin

Of course, you can also consume bacon, although as with everything, even with this fatty delicacy, the following applies – in moderation.

It contains group B vitamins , which are extremely beneficial for the body.

For example, vitamin B3 has a positive effect on life expectancy.

Even better, bacon also contains hyaluronic acid , which has been proven to fight wrinkles.

So, thanks to more regular consumption of bacon, you can live longer and also look better for longer, without significant wrinkles.

Try using a piece of bacon to massage areas prone to wrinkles.

The skin should be smoother and more relaxed.

For hard and cracked heels

Cut the lemon lengthwise and scoop out the pulp.

We will have two saddles that surround the heel.

Line the seats with thin slices of bacon, press them to the heels and put old socks on top.We also use at night while sleeping.

If the heels are cracked, we proceed in the same way, but before that we try to get lard into the cracks.


Already the old Slavs used bacon for sore teeth.

Hold a piece of white, unsmoked bacon between the gum and the cheek on the affected area.

Substances from bacon have a soothing effect on teeth, gums and periodontal disease..

Painful joints in fingers

We have to cut the bacon into slices long enough to wrap around the affected joint.

When we do this, we wrap the bacon with a bandage so that the slices do not slip and we leave it to act all night.We repeat the treatment for seven nights in a row.Then the pain should pass.

If the pain is of rheumatic origin, it is recommended to soak the bacon in frankincense or vinegar for at least 6 hours before using it..

In the second method, only lard is consumed, which must be mixed in the same proportion with real bee honey and applied to the joints, which are then covered with food foil and tied with a bandage.

As in the first method, the treatment must take place for at least 7 nights in a row.

It will help with the monkey

According to a study from the University of Newcastle, bacon can help deal with the annoying ‘monkey’.If you’ve had too much alcohol and want to get in shape fast, have a bacon sandwich.

According to researcher Elin Robertsová, the secret lies in the mix of bread and amino acids contained in bacon.

Plus, after a night of overindulgence, you should eat something, even if your stomach thinks otherwise.But if you at least force yourself into bread with bacon, you may be relieved.

Don’t worry about gaining weight!

If you consume bacon in moderation (the recommended dose is around 30 grams) , you don’t have to worry about gaining weight.

As with other fats, it has a negative effect only if it is consumed excessively.

If you do not suffer from diseases of the digestive tract or liver problems, you can enjoy it.

In addition, the structure of subcutaneous fat that makes up bacon is rich in precious arachinic acids, which are essential for the immune system and play a key role in cholesterol metabolism.

Bacon, which our loved ones consumed regularly and much more often than the current generation, clearly has many benefits.

Of course, even with this sometimes cursed delicacy, if you consume it in moderation, you have nothing to go wrong. Not every day, but not even once a year, but you have to estimate the amount yourself, depending on whether you feel like it at all.

No one should be forced to eat any food just because it has a positive effect on health.

So if you can’t eat bacon for the rest of the world, try it to at least help with the above-mentioned skin problems or angina.

Vitamin bomb from Moravia – unsmoked bacon in spicy marinade

Recipe for delicious bacon in brine

We need:

  • 1 kg of bacon.
  • 1 cup of salt.
  • 0. 5 cups of sugar.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • whole black pepper.
  • bay leaf.
  • garlic.
  • Procedure

    Add salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf to the water.Bring to a boil and let cool.

    Finely chop the garlic and rub it over the bacon.Add to hot pickle.

    Leave it like this for one day only in the kitchen and then another day in the refrigerator.Then place it on a towel to dry.

    You can taste.Bacon cooked this way can be eaten as is, or even smoked, but we didn’t do that at home.

    You can add different spices to taste. The main thing – more bay leaf. It gives the fat a special spiciness.

    Navnet mitt er Erik, og jeg elsker å utforske nye steder. Gjennom artiklene mine på dette nettstedet deler jeg mine opplevelser, tips og skjulte perler fra Choapa-regionen. Enten du er interessert i natur, kultur eller lokale tradisjoner, finner du inspirasjon her. Bli med meg på denne spennende reisen!


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