HomeHusAunt Vlasta bought 3 of these oils.In the evening, he sprays the...

Aunt Vlasta bought 3 of these oils.In the evening, he sprays the rooms and mosquitoes don’t fly

8/9/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/AU USAnakul).

How long does a mosquito live? This varies depending on their gender, but that doesn’t change the fact that these insects are very annoying.Fortunately, you can deal with them.Use homemade mosquito repellents and none will come near you again..

Mosquitoes can be annoying at times because they cause painful bites that can itch for days. It’s a problem that everyone faces, especially during the summer.How can you help? Check out home remedies you can use to get rid of mosquitoes for good.Some products cost a little, but they are worth it.

How long does a mosquito live? There is quite a big difference between females and males

Mosquitoes do not live very long, as male individuals live 7 to 10 days. Interestingly, this period is much longer for females and can last up to 8 weeks or up to six months if they hibernate. However, these are the longest options because the insect is at risk of being eaten by other individuals such as frogs or swallows.

In Slovakia there are 40 to 50 species of mosquitoes (Anopheles messeae, Anopheles plumbeus and others).Due to global warming, mosquitoes originally found in Asia and Africa are moving to Europe.It goes, for exampleabout the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), the occurrence of which has also been confirmed in Slovakia.

Home remedies against mosquitoes.Try them all and you will sleep soundly

Repelling mosquitoes from coming near us usually takes the form of using certain scents that bother them.For example, we are talking about aromatic oils :

  • Lavender – although it is pleasant to us, it repels mosquitoes.Spray it indoors or on your clothes and no one will come near you.
  • Lemon – spray the area and see the mosquitoes flee in droves.The smell really bothers them.
  • Mint – the smell is intense and lasts for a long time, so after spraying it can repel mosquitoes for a long time.
  • CAUTION! The effectiveness of the oils may vary depending on the type chosen.Also, remember not to apply them directly to the skin, which can cause unwanted allergic reactions.

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