HomeTips for hjemmetFake or real? Find out what kind of honey you are buying...

Fake or real? Find out what kind of honey you are buying with the ‘flame test’

Honey is a popular natural sweetener in our homes, but it is not always easy to distinguish between real and artificial honey.Real honey, often called raw or natural, is a product obtained directly from the hive without any processing or filtration.This honey retains all natural components such as wax, pollen, propolis and enzymes, which contribute to its nutritional value and authentic taste..

On the other hand, artificial honey is a product that has been modified and may contain various additives such as flavorings, fillers, colorings and sugar.In extreme cases, some products that are sold as honey do not contain any traces of honey.Instead, it is a mixture of glucose syrups, cane or beet sugar, or invert sugar.

How to detect fake honey in a store?

Due to the influence of various factors, such as bee diseases and the lack of honey on the market, the production of cheaper honey substitutes has expanded.This means that many consumers may unknowingly purchase a product that looks like honey but is of much lower quality.Typical signs of artificial honey that can be seen just by looking at the bottle include:

  • Smooth consistency without characteristic lumps.
  • Still liquid consistency even at low temperatures.
  • Lack of crystallization.
  • Missing white coating on the surface.
  • How to test the authenticity of honey at home?

    If you are not sure whether you have purchased real or artificial honey, here are four simple methods to find out:

    1. Water test: Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water.Real honey should sink to the bottom of the glass without immediately dissolving.Artificial honey, on the other hand, starts mixing with water immediately.
    2. Thumb Test: Place a drop of honey on your finger.If the honey keeps its shape and does not spill, it is real honey.If it expands and loses its consistency, it is probably a fake product.
    3. Crystallization: Real honey crystallizes over time, while artificial honey stays liquid longer.
    4. Flame Test: Dip a match into honey and try to light it.Real honey does not contain moisture, which is why a match ignites easily after being dipped in honey.However, artificial honey retains moisture, which prevents the match from igniting.

    With these simple tests, you can easily recognize the quality of honey and make sure that you are consuming a genuine, natural product.

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