HomeTips for hjemmetRobert Fico visited Handlova for the first time after the attack.He said...

Robert Fico visited Handlova for the first time after the attack.He said what he was afraid of

Handlova welcomed Prime Minister Robert Fico, who returned to the city for the first time since the attack in which he was shot.However, his visit this time had a positive touch – the prime minister inaugurated a renovated school and visited a local fishing plant.As part of his program, he will also meet with the mayor of the city..

Although four months have passed since the incident, Fico admitted that the biggest trauma for him is not the attack itself, but the atmosphere created by the opposition and some media.»This is what I fear the most,» said the prime minister at the place where he was attacked in March.

Investigation results still unclear.

Despite the fact that the investigation into the assassination continues, concrete information is still scarce.The General Prosecutor’s Office imposed an information embargo on them.However, Prime Minister Fico already announced during the summer that a report on the attack would be published in the fall, which should bring more light to this case.

In the meantime, investigators have interviewed more than a hundred witnesses, including the prime minister himself.The published information from the relevant authorities speaks of the intensive work of the police, which has processed a number of requests for bank data, expert opinions and checks of civil filings to date.At the same time, several requests for international cooperation in the field of digital evidence were requested.

Interior Ministry under pressure from questions.

The Minister of the Interior, Matúš Šutaj Eštok, spoke at a press conference on Friday about the progress of the investigation, which is still ongoing even after four months.He claims that a top investigative team is involved in the case, which also cooperates with international partners.’Everything is checked down to the smallest detail,’ the minister said, responding to questions about why the bomber is still not on trial.

The minister also admitted that the attack could have been the result of an organized plan in which several perpetrators could have been involved.However, these considerations are still only hypothetical, as the minister does not have direct access to the investigation team.

In the coming weeks, a report on the investigation into the actions of the prime minister’s security is also expected.The Minister of the Interior announced that after the publication of the report, possible consequences will be drawn against those who made a mistake.

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