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How often should we change bed linen? Most people do this too rarely

17. 8. 2024 (Photo: shutterstock/Elizaveta Galitckaia).

Wondering how often you should change your sheets for fresh ones? It turns out that most people do this too rarely. On average, we spend a third of the day in bed. And although we usually go to bed after a bath, a lot of dirt accumulates on our pillowcases and sheets. These can be dangerous to our health. That’s why it’s important to change bed linen often..

How often should we change bed linen and why is it so important?

Changing bed linen regularly helps to get rid of sweat, other bodily secretions, hair, animal hair or dead skin.All these things remain in bed.Bedding that has not been changed for too long is an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria and mold, which are dangerous to health.Microbiologists recommend that bed linen be changed no less often than weekly.Sleeping in dirty bed linen for too long can result in skin diseases, allergies or asthma.

Sheets and sheets should be changed to clean ones every seven days, although they can be changed more often.Most people do this much less often.This can result in frequent throat or skin problems.

Changing bed linen every week seems annoying, but microbiologists say it is absolutely necessary.

Frequent change of bed linen for clean ones will have a positive effect on our health and well-being and will also benefit our beauty.Not everyone realizes this, but an infrequently washed pillowcase can cause pimples on the face or make acne worse.If you have any problems with your skin, be it oily, dry or sensitive, pay special attention to regularly changing your bed linen.You will notice a significant difference after just a few weeks.

Bedding that hasn’t been changed for a long time also promotes hair oiling.What about washing your hair regularly if it comes into contact with a dirty pillowcase for long hours at night? It is worth thinking about it and not forgetting to wash bed linen often.

In addition, sleeping in clean bed linen is simply more pleasant.Why should you deprive yourself of this luxury?

How should bed linen be washed?

To remove all dirt, as well as bacteria and mold, bed linen should be washed at high temperature.It is recommended that it be at least 60 degrees Celsius.The lower one cannot completely cope with dangerous microorganisms.

In addition to weekly washing, it is good to air the bedding.Ideally, this should be done every day.In no case should you make the bed right after getting up.It is good to shake the bed linen at least several times and wait at least 10 minutes.

All these rules seem complicated, but following them can prevent many unpleasant diseases.Experts say clearly: bed linen should be changed often, at least every week.Failure to do so may have a negative impact on your health.

In addition to washing the bed linen, you should not forget about the cleanliness of the mattress.That is much more difficult.You can’t just throw it in the washing machine and set the right program.So what should we do? Sprinkle the mattress with baking soda.This refreshes the mattress and removes all bacteria, viruses, fungi and other germs that could have created a nest in it.Baking soda can handle them sensationally.

How often do you change your bed linen?

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