HomeTips for hjemmetSlovakia is on the threshold of a new covid epidemic.We have high...

Slovakia is on the threshold of a new covid epidemic.We have high numbers of new cases

Slovak authorities are recording an increase in the number of covid-19 cases, with the biggest jump expected during the flu season.The Office of Public Health (ÚVZ) states that many cases remain undetected because testing among the population is no longer a common practice..

Experts, such as infectious disease specialist Peter Sabaka from the Bratislava University Hospital, warn that Slovakia may face a new wave of epidemics.»We are seeing the arrival of another wave caused by new subvariants.They can overcome the immune response even in those who have been vaccinated or have already overcome the disease,’ explained Sabaka.

According to Sabak, these are subvariants KP. 1, KP. 2 and JN. 1, which are related to the original omicron.’They are biologically similar and the course of the disease is not fundamentally different either.The current wave will therefore be similar to last year’s,’ says the expert.However, it is not expected that extensive restrictions will need to be introduced.Patients with medical complications such as heart disease, diabetes and weakened immunity remain most at risk.

According to Sabak, the increase in cases may further increase after vacationers and children return to school.The peak of the new wave could occur during the winter months, or before Christmas.

Even though the number of hospitalized patients is rising slightly, hospitals are managing the situation for now.’There is no reason to worry about overloading the health system,’ Sabaka said.He also reminds that patients without risk factors can manage the treatment of covid-19 in a similar way to the flu, i.e. by resting and avoiding contact with other people.

Antivirals are available for at-risk patients to help prevent serious complications if given early, preferably within five days of the onset of symptoms.

Vaccination against the new subvariants is already ready and is recommended especially for seniors and people with serious health problems.’Vaccination is suitable for everyone because its benefits outweigh the possible risks,’ concludes Sabaka.

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