HomeTips for hjemmetHere's why it's worth drinking coffee.Even scientists did not expect this

Here’s why it’s worth drinking coffee.Even scientists did not expect this

We have already written several times about the health-promoting properties of coffee.This drink has many advantages, of course, when we do not overdo it.This is also confirmed by recent studies, the results of which surprised even scientists..

We often drink coffee just for the pleasure and excellent taste.However, this drink also has many health benefits.And if we add to that the fact that we drink coffee in good company, the benefits are even greater.

How can coffee affect health?

The health-promoting properties of coffee are influenced by the caffeine content, which naturally stimulates and invigorates the nervous system.Its other important component is antioxidants, which help fight against free radicals in the body.Studies show that regular consumption of this drink can help reduce the risk of developing many diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes.type and even some types of cancer.It is also worth noting that coffee has anti-inflammatory effects that can benefit overall health.

It provides power and performance

A recent study showed that people who drink three to four cups of coffee a day are less likely to be depressed.This surprised the scientists because, as they admitted, caffeine is not considered a strong antidepressant.The same British study also found that coffee drinkers have faster reaction time, greater strength and better muscular endurance.They also have a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease or diabetes.

The effect of coffee on the heart

The UK study included more than 380,000 people who were followed for 10 years.The results showed that people who drank two to three cups a day had a lower risk of developing heart disease.This property of coffee has been known for a long time.However, decaffeinated coffee has been shown to have similar effects.Scientists have proven that it is not caused by caffeine.Before roasting, the coffee beans are fermented.This also creates chemicals that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.Therefore, two to three cups of coffee a day should be considered part of a healthy diet, which is often associated with a healthy gut microbiome, British researchers say.

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