HomeUncategorizedRemoves grease and dirt even from oven knobs: 15 minutes and they...

Removes grease and dirt even from oven knobs: 15 minutes and they shine like new – also works on griddles and burners!

When cleaning a household, one of the most difficult places is the kitchen.

For example, cleaning an ordinary stove can sometimes consume hours of time. .

Buttons and hard-to-reach places require special care and definitely nerves.

To make your work easier, I bring you the perfect tip on how to clean hard-to-reach places without effort and a whole arsenal of cleaning products.

It helped me clean out an old stove!

How to clean the knobs on the washing machine and stove from dirt and grease?

The first method:

Take your toothbrush, cotton buds in your ears and drops of anise and ammonia.

They are cheap, available and mainly used to treat coughs.

Dip a cotton swab in the solution and rub all affected surfaces..

You can reach well with a stick where you can’t with your hand, if you don’t have a stick, a soft brush will also work.

Great tutorial that also works 100%!

I’m going to start a thorough cleaning right over the weekend.

Second way:

You need:.

Cotton swabs.

Ammonia (ammonia water) – can be easily purchased at a drugstore.

An old toothbrush.


Always work with ammonia in gloves.

We soak cotton swabs in ammonia and simply walk around the dirty places so that the ammonia reaches their surface.

Then we take a toothbrush and simply clean.

You can see for yourself how easy and fast it will be.Finally, wipe with a damp cloth and that’s it.The stove will be like new!

Buttons that can be removed, I soak them in a mixture of water, detergent and dissolved tablets in the dishwasher (washing powder can also be used).

I let it soak and then just clean it.

It also works on Latin burners and griddles!

All you need is ammonia and a plastic bag.

Take a plastic resealable bag and add 5 tablespoons of ammonia.

Then put a grill or a burner in it, close it and let it act for 12 hours.

Finally, simply wipe with a cloth and you’re done.But use gloves when doing this work.


Regular baking soda, citric acid or baking powder help remove dirt from the walls and glass on the oven door.

Moisten the inside of the oven with water, then apply baking soda or citric acid to the walls and glass. Leave for 15 minutes and then carefully wipe off the mixture with a paper towel.Rinse the oven with clean water and remove any remaining dirt.

Water and vinegar will help remove small dirt in a 1:1 ratio.Wash the walls of the oven with vinegar water, turn on the oven at 50 degrees and rinse with clean water after 15 minutes.

You can also make a paste to clean the inside of the oven.Mix salt, soda and water in equal proportions. Apply the resulting paste to the contaminated surface and leave it on overnight.In the morning, simply rinse off the cleaning powder with water.

This will make even the dirtiest stove – advice from Linda

«If I hate something, it’s scrubbing things that I never used and yet I found them in a pitiful condition,» says Linda, who together with her husband David bought a small cottage near the forest and wanted to enjoy the summer in pleasant silence environment.

However, when they entered, the first thing that struck Linda’s eyes was the stove , incredibly dirty and covered in black burnt residue.

Linda told herself that she won’t let her mood be ruined, and although she wanted to start crying and not cleaning, in the end she rolled up her sleeves and decided to document her process step by step for the rest of us..

She used only the resources left at the cottage by the previous owners.When you see the result, you won’t believe that the stove looked like this before!

What she used:

1 packbaking powder.

3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (you can replace it with alcohol).

2 spoons of cleaning powder.


¼ cup all-purpose cleaner (brand doesn’t matter).


Pour water into the pot (6 cm is enough) and add apple cider vinegar. Put the burners into this solution, turn on the flame and let it boil for 10 minutes. Then we take it off the flame and leave it in the water until it cools down. Then we put a little detergent on a fine wire cloth and simply clean it, the dirt comes off beautifully.

We simply pull out the buttons on the stove.

Pour warm water into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of powder, ¼ cup of all-purpose cleaner and 2 tablespoons of detergent.

Soak it and let it soak for only 5 minutes.Then we simply clean with a sponge.

Our tip: If you also need to clean the grates on the burners, simply put them in a bath with vinegar and water (ratio 1:1).

Navnet mitt er Erik, og jeg elsker å utforske nye steder. Gjennom artiklene mine på dette nettstedet deler jeg mine opplevelser, tips og skjulte perler fra Choapa-regionen. Enten du er interessert i natur, kultur eller lokale tradisjoner, finner du inspirasjon her. Bli med meg på denne spennende reisen!


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