HomeTips for hjemmetWhy is it not good to sweeten or cover coffee with milk?...

Why is it not good to sweeten or cover coffee with milk? You should know this

Coffee is often at the center of discussions about its effects on health.One day there is talk of its positive effects, but the next day there are warnings about its potential risks.However, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle – coffee can be beneficial if consumed in moderation and in the correct form..

Selection of quality coffee and moderation

One of the key aspects is the quality of the coffee we consume.Cheap and low-quality coffees can contain undesirable substances that can negatively affect our health.That is why it is important to invest in coffee made from quality beans and pay attention to the correct preparation method.In addition, we should not overdo it – even the best coffee can lose its benefits if we drink it in excess.

A maximum of three to four cups per day is recommended for most healthy adults.Young people, the elderly and people with cardiovascular problems should be especially careful and limit consumption to a smaller amount.For those who experience problems such as insomnia, heart palpitations or stomach upset, it is best to avoid coffee altogether.

Why we should drink coffee without sugar

The first motivation can be the taste itself.Sugar suppresses the natural aroma of coffee, which is the most important aspect for many coffee lovers.In addition, the sugar in coffee contributes to increased caloric intake, which can be an obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight.

Coffee and milk: Is it a good combination?

Opinions on adding milk or cream to coffee vary.Some experts say that milk or cream can help reduce the irritating effects of coffee on the stomach.On the other hand, adding these ingredients increases the caloric value of the drink and can change its taste profile.So it depends on individual preferences and the body’s reaction to this combination.


For coffee lovers, black coffee, without any additives, is often the best choice to fully appreciate its taste.In general, it is recommended to leave out sugar and handle milk or cream with care, depending on how the body tolerates them.With the right choice and moderation, coffee can be a pleasant and healthy companion in everyday life.

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