HomeTips for hjemmetSlovaks have a treasure right under their feet.People save thousands of euros...

Slovaks have a treasure right under their feet.People save thousands of euros this way

Slovakia hides under its surface a wealth that remains almost untouched – geothermal energy.This form of renewable resource could bring many benefits, but only a few cities are currently making full use of it.However, the situation could change significantly thanks to new investment projects that would not only reduce dependence on gas, but would also ensure stable energy prices and contribute to a more ecological environment..

Permanent and Stable Energy

Geothermal energy has one major advantage over other renewable sources – it is available 24/7, regardless of the weather.The wind doesn’t have to blow and the sun shine for geothermal wells to produce energy.For a country like Slovakia with a wealth of thermal springs, this is an exceptional opportunity to expand this resource.

Current Status

Despite the great potential, the use of geothermal energy is still limited.According to the portal energie-portal.sk, there are approximately 200 geothermal wells in Slovakia, while up to 60% of them are mainly used for recreational purposes, such as thermal swimming pools.Only less than 20% is used for heating and water heating for central heat supply.However, experts point out that the development of this industry is hindered by complex permitting processes and insufficient state support.

Examples from practice

Geothermal energy is already used in cities such as Šaľa, Galanta, Sereď and Veľký Meder.In the latter city, approximately 1,200 households are heated through geothermal wells, while the price of heat remains stable and resists market fluctuations.

Future Investments

However, significant projects could soon expand the use of geothermal energy in other regions.An innovative project is planned in Trebišov, where former gas wells will be transformed into a source of hot water.This project should be launched already in the spring of 2024.In Košice, the Ďurkov well is being prepared, which could cover up to a fifth of the heat needs of households in this city.

First Geothermal Power Plant

PW Energy also has ambitious plans, which plans to build the first geothermal power plant near Prešov.This power plant could provide electricity for 20 thousand households and at the same time supply heat to more than six thousand households.Construction is expected to begin in spring 2024, with completion expected in 2026.


Geothermal energy represents a great, but still underutilized, potential for Slovakia.If legislative and bureaucratic obstacles can be overcome, Slovakia could benefit from this sustainable and stable source of energy to a greater extent in the near future.New projects give hope that geothermal energy could become a significant part of the country’s energy mix.

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