HomeTips for hjemmetA hidden function of the aperture in the car, which most Slovaks...

A hidden function of the aperture in the car, which most Slovaks do not know about

Many drivers use the sun visor in their car on a daily basis, but few realize that this inconspicuous part of the interior has more to offer than meets the eye.In addition to its primary role – protection from blinding sunlight – this screen often also has a hidden function that can significantly improve driving comfort..

Drivers commonly use a sun visor to protect their eyes from direct sunlight, especially when coming from the front.It is enough to simply launch it and set it to the desired position.However, the situation gets complicated when the sun starts to shine from the side.In this case, the curtain can be turned to the side window, but this is not always enough.For taller drivers who have their seats pushed back, the screen may be too short and not provide enough protection from the sun.

This is where a hidden feature comes in that many people don’t know about.In some cars, the sun visor can be extended by gently pulling it.This simple trick, used by only a small percentage of drivers, allows you to move the visor along the inner rail to a position that better protects your eyes from the sun’s rays.

How to tell if your sun visor has this feature? Try to carefully move it along the rail.If the aperture moves without any problems, you’ve won – you can extend it and adjust it as needed.However, if you feel resistance, your shutter probably does not have this feature.In this case, it is better not to try to force it out to avoid damage.

If your car does not have this function, do not despair.There are additional screens available on the market that you can easily attach to achieve the same effect.These aids are affordable and easy to install, allowing you to increase driving comfort without having to invest in a new vehicle.

A sunshade can thus be more than just a simple shade – you just need to know how to use it correctly.

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