HomeHusIt deters aphids, enhances flowering.You can make homemade fertilizer from waste

It deters aphids, enhances flowering.You can make homemade fertilizer from waste

18/08/2024 Redaktion passion in you (Photo: shutterstock/Real_life_photo).

Orange peels are not only kitchen waste, but also a valuable raw material that can be used to produce natural fertilizer.Both potted plants and garden plants like it.You will get rid of the residue and at the same time get a nutrient that will make your flowers look their best.You can prepare orange peel fertilizer in two ways..

Advantages of homemade fertilizer

The first thing that comes to mind is ease of production and economy. Homemade nutrition costs nothing when you use products that would end up in the trash anyway.Using it will not have a negative impact on the environment, nor will it harm beneficial insects. However, it is an enemy of pests , so you will not only strengthen your flowers, but also deter intruders that could ruin your crops..

How does orange peel fertilizer affect plants?

You will probably stop considering citrus peels as unnecessary waste.This part of the fruit accumulates valuable components, especially nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium , which support the development of roots and leaves.Such a cocktail also supports the flowering of ornamental plants. Essential oils repel pests , including extremely voracious aphids. Orange peel fertilizer will also help regulate soil pH , which species that require an acidic substrate will appreciate.

These plants benefit the most from homemade fertilizer.The list is long

Flower lovers enthusiastically test natural fertilizers that you can prepare at home from products you have on hand. Universal nutrition from orange peels will also satisfy demanding species including orchids, which have a reputation for capricious plants.

Which other flowers respond well to it? Feel free to use for:

  • begonia,.
  • muscats,.
  • surfinies,.
  • fuchsia,.
  • cyclamen,.
  • capuchins,.
  • heathers,.
  • hydrangeas,.
  • Azaleas..
  • How to make homemade liquid fertilizer for flowers?

    Using liquid nutrients is very convenient – it is enough if you adapt the treatment to your schedule for watering ornamental flowers.In this form, you can also use orange peels as a pest spray. How to do it?

  • It is a good idea to bathe the peels in baking soda to get rid of pesticide residues.
  • Cut them into small pieces, put them in a liter container and cover them with cold water.Set aside for 24 hours.
  • Then strain them and remove the rest of the fruit.
  • Pour the citrus liquid over the plants or put it in a spray bottle if you want to fight aphids.
  • Pour the powder into the flower pot.The plants will thank you

    The second way of using orange peel is the preparation of nutritional powder.For this purpose, dry the skins in an oven heated to 130°C. This process takes 1. 5 to 2 hours. The next step is to grind them in a mortar or mixer.This creates a powder that you mix with the top layer of soil in a flower pot or in the garden. In this form, the fertilizer will gradually release nutrients into the soil over a longer period.

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