HomeHusEvery sink has it.You don't pay attention to him, which is a...

Every sink has it.You don’t pay attention to him, which is a shame.It will save you in an emergency

09/03/2024 (Photo: private archive).

Most sinks have a hole under the faucet.Every day we do not pay attention to it and do not even think about what it is for.However, this interesting fact is worth knowing because the hole in the sink has a practical purpose..

When choosing a bathtub or sink, we pay attention to such things as size and color.We take the hole under the faucet for granted and don’t even think to ask the seller what it is actually for.However, we decided to take a deeper look at the topic.

What is the hole in the sink for? It will help you save on bills

A mysterious opening can be noticed in most sinks. It’s a small detail, but its presence is not accidental at all. The manufacturers put a hole in the sink to make the use of water more economical and safer.It sounds trivial, but it will prevent your apartment from flooding..

When too much water accumulates in the sink or basin, it does not flow out of the sink, but flows through the opening. It is connected to the drain, thanks to which the liquid level cannot exceed the height of the sink. So it works as a kind of fuse when we clog the drain, turn the faucet and forget about it..

How to clean the hole in the sink? One product kills all bacteria

Since we don’t pay attention to the useful hole in the sink every day, we don’t forget to clean it either. This is a big mistake and can cause bacteria to multiply in the sink .The safest way to clean the hole is with a cotton swab, a cotton ball, a cotton swab or a toothbrush..

If you chose a cotton swab, soak it in vinegar, place it on the hole and leave it overnight.Vinegar is great for removing scale and dirt.Dishwashing liquid will also work very well.

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