HomeHusSoothes pain and repels mosquitoes.Grandmothers knew what should be on the windowsill

Soothes pain and repels mosquitoes.Grandmothers knew what should be on the windowsill

01/09/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/aniana).

You will certainly find it on the windowsill of your grandmother, but you will look for it in vain in gardening stores.It does not impress with its appearance and rarely blooms, but its pleasant smell is noticeable from a distance and even more so when you touch the leaves.What are we talking about? Intoxicating nutmeg is an indispensable potted plant that is still valued in Slovakia.Its cultivation is not difficult and the presence of a green guest will bring many other benefits.If you don’t have it in your collection but see it at a friend’s, be sure to ask for a geranium seedling..

What is nutmeg intoxicating?

Intoxicating geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) is certainly inconspicuous.It has jagged and hairy leaves on its stems, but flowers on them are very rare.It usually proves itself as a potted plant present in our homes, although younger people are unlikely to show much interest in it, which is a shame.It must be admitted that in the wild it can reach considerable dimensions in good conditions, but at home it is rather modest in height.Geraniums may not look the prettiest, but they are worth having in the house.Why? Nutmeg intoxicating has a very pleasant, citrusy and easily perceptible smell , although sometimes there are varieties with an apple-like smell.Nevertheless, it is worth being tempted to have it at home, especially since its cultivation is trivial.

How to grow narcotic geranium?

If you managed to get a seedling of narcotic nutmeg, you must first take care of its rooting.To do so, it is enough to place it in a bowl of water and after a certain time they will certainly appear.Now there is nothing left but to place it in a pot with soil and a layer of drainage.It is usually made of pebbles, broken ceramics or expanded clay.Now is the time to find a suitable place in the house: it should be bright, but a south-facing windowsill can be harmful because the excess sun will burn the leaves.

Caring for intoxicating geraniums

How to take care of narcotic nutmeg? You have to remember to water , although the plant can handle the owner’s inattention.If you dose water, you should do so when the substrate is completely dry.Unfortunately, it is better to limit the amount and not pour too much into the pot, because then it will rot easily.What else do you need to do with heady nutmeg? It certainly won’t hurt if you fertilize it once a month with a small amount of universal preparations.To keep geraniums looking good, you have to cut the plant every few years.This will not only tame its lush growth, but also give you new cuttings to root.Plus, cutting will make the intoxicating nutmeg thicken over time and look more attractive.

Properties of narcotic nutmeg

Why did our grandmothers always have geraniums on the windowsills? It turned out that they were not guided by aesthetic qualities when choosing, but by features.It turns out that narcotic nutmeg is credited with magical powers, but it certainly has a place of honor in herbal medicine.Why? All because of its composition, because it contains essential oils, and this makes it antibacterial and antiviral .Therefore, one of the remedies, for example for an earache , was to insert a compressed leaf into it to get rid of the disease quickly.Geranium leaves can also be prepared a tea that helps to fight, for example, throat infections or eczema on the body.Few people know that the soothing smell of narcotic nutmeg is very desirable for our nose, but thanks to it you can rid the house of insects: for example, flies or mosquitoes.

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