HomeTips for hjemmetInsert the foil into the controller.The man found a trick that the...

Insert the foil into the controller.The man found a trick that the manufacturer won’t tell you about

We’ve all experienced it — you turn on the TV and find that the remote has suddenly stopped responding.In the past, we were able to use the buttons directly on the TV, but today a remote control is a necessity.And what if it happens to you in the evening?.

Unexpected problem, simple solution

The situation when you don’t have spare batteries on hand can be unpleasant.But what to do if the controller still does not work even after replacing the batteries? Many people tend to solve the problem radically – they throw out the old controller and buy a new one.But the question arises: invest in an expensive original model, or choose a cheaper alternative that may not work as well?

The truth is that a remote control is a simple device that rarely goes completely wrong.In most cases, it can be easily fixed.And what is important – it is not necessary to be a technical expert, even a beginner can do it.Moreover, the repair is cheaper and faster than buying a new controller.

How to do that?

We use the remote every day, so it’s no surprise that it wears out over time.A common problem is dirt that settles between the buttons.This can cause the controller to stop responding properly.The solution? Clean it up!

It is enough if you carefully open the controller and treat the rubber buttons with a soft cloth soaked in alcohol or soapy water.Don’t forget to let it dry thoroughly.If you have problems accessing smaller parts, use a cotton swab.

If the controller still does not work after this step, the conductive rubber on the buttons may be worn out.However, it can be easily replaced, and new rubber parts can usually be found on the Internet.

Repair with the help of aluminum foil

For those who are not afraid of a little creativity, there is another solution.You will use foil, double-sided adhesive tape and a hole punch.This simple trick, introduced by a group of Czech enthusiasts, makes it possible to repair worn buttons quickly and cheaply.You can find details in video tutorials online.

So the next time your remote control stops working, you don’t have to reach for a new one right away.With a little patience and basic tools, your controller will be as good as new again.

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