HomeHusThis flower has been in our homes for years.Mine already reaches several...

This flower has been in our homes for years.Mine already reaches several meters.I will tell you how to take care of it

23/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/Felix Santiago Allendes).

Syngonium is usually a medium-sized bushy plant, but can also occur as a creeper.There are many different varieties of Syngonium plants available, all with unique and vibrant leaf colors – the most common colors are Syngonium green, Syngonium yellow and Syngonium pink..

Syngonium is a popular hanging pot plant with attractive heart-shaped leaves.This subtropical plant does not require demanding care, so it is ideal for a room or office.

Temperature and humidity

Although syngonias come from warmer regions of the world, they tolerate our standard temperatures perfectly well.However, they are sensitive to very low temperatures and frost , so in colder climates protect them during the winter.They should also keep away from doors and radiators to prevent temperature fluctuations.It grows faster in warmer areas, but it is not necessary for the plant to be healthy.

How to water syngonium

Syngonias are quite thirsty houseplants, especially when in a small container or planter.The frequency of watering depends on the age of the plant, so younger plants need much less water , but larger plants will require much more frequent watering, possibly several times a week if the temperature is very hot.In addition, make sure that the soil remains evenly moist after watering the plant.

Soil and fertilizer

Syngonium is an arum variety, which means it likes well-drained soil , which helps with aeration and prevents root rot. A standard potting mix with added orchid bark or peat moss helps improve drainage and oxygen while preventing waterlogging. Most soils contain a slow-release fertilizer that should be enough to maintain healthy growth most of the year.You can add a liquid fertilizer in the summer or during periods of increased growth to cover additional nutrient needs.

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