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When will it start snowing in Slovakia this winter? This is the forecast

Winter is approaching and many are wondering what conditions it will bring.According to the latest forecasts, it looks like we’re in for milder temperatures this time around.The main factor that will affect the weather will be the La Niña climate phenomenon, along with the polar vortex..

La Niña, which is known as the cold phase of the ENSO ocean oscillation, has only a weak influence on the current situation, according to iMeteo.sk experts.This phenomenon, which changes temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean, is present, but has not yet brought significant extremes.So it seems that there is no threat of extreme cold weather due to this phenomenon.

In addition to La Niña, winter is also influenced by the polar vortex, which manifests itself as a massive cyclone extending over the North Pole and extending into the mid-latitudes.This year, however, the polar vortex is expected to be weaker, which could mean fewer extreme cold spells.

According to the ECMWF model, this means a warmer than normal winter for Europe.Most of the continent is likely to be under the influence of high pressure from the Atlantic, which could lead to average temperatures of 1-2°C higher.Precipitation will be patchy – while western Europe will be drier, other parts of the continent, including northern Slovakia, can expect more precipitation than usual.

What will the winter of 2024/2025 be like in Slovakia? When will it start snowing?

For Slovakia, these first forecasts indicate slightly above-average temperatures with below-average snowfall, especially in December and January.Heavier rainfall is expected only in northern areas, while the rest of the country may experience drier conditions.However, it should be emphasized that these are preliminary forecasts that may still change, as winter is still far away.

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