HomeHusSprinkle the soil and watch what happens.Even the weakest orchid will successfully...

Sprinkle the soil and watch what happens.Even the weakest orchid will successfully undergo such a rescue

23/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/Garna Zarina).

The orchid is one of the most popular plants.It pleases with its colors and delicate petals, but it has its requirements.If her leaves start to turn yellow, put one thing in the pot.Keep it in the kitchen..

Orchids are considered ideal flowers for the home.Many of us have them on the windowsill at home.We often give them to someone, e.g.when we move.Despite appearances, growing this plant is not easy at all.People regularly complain that an orchid has stopped blooming overnight or that its leaves have turned yellow.How can it be fixed?

How to take care of orchids to bloom? The key to success is good hydration

The orchid does not need to be watered often.Just water it maximum twice a week and use a small amount of soft water.The substrate should dry well between one and the next watering.If the roots stand in water, they will start to rot and that is a quick way to lose the plant.In addition, the flower should be sprinkled regularly.

Spray it with water, not directly on the leaves and buds. You can also place a humidifier next to the flower pot.During the period of intensive growth, i.e.j. from April to September, be sure to fertilize.Do this every third watering.

TIP! If you keep the orchid in a transparent pot, pay attention to the color of its roots.If they are green, it is a sign that the plant is well watered.If they are silver – it is high time to water the flower..

How to save an orchid? Use one spice

The plant can be capricious, so don’t be surprised if one day the flowers don’t want to bloom and the leaves become dry and yellowish. improper watering, lack of light, or insufficient drainage is usually to blame.If you want to save the orchid, sprinkle the soil with cinnamon and mix it into the substrate.It has antifungal properties and prevents the formation of molds. All it takes is a teaspoon of spice to revive and rebloom a flower.You can also add a cinnamon stick to the roots.However, do not insert it too deeply so as not to damage the plant.

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