HomeHusMy grandmother always sprinkles garlic with it.As a result, it does not...

My grandmother always sprinkles garlic with it.As a result, it does not spoil at all for many months

16/08/2024 (Photo: Pixabay/jackmac34).

Garlic very often ends up in beds between onions, juice, tomatoes and carrots.And no wonder, because it is easy to grow and once it grows, you have a supply for a long time.However, for this to happen, it needs to be stored properly.Otherwise, it can go wrong and all the work is wasted..

Many people cannot imagine life without garlic.Some people laugh when seven pods are thrown into a meal that, according to the recipe, contains two pods.Garlic not only adds ‘that something’ to food, but also nutritional value and a good dose of health.Therefore, almost everyone who has their own garden will find a place for this vegetable in it.

How to dry garlic and prepare it for storage?

When harvest time comes, you think about the best way to store it.Such fairly fresh garlic has a relatively moist skin, which can easily start to mold and thereby attack individual cloves as well.Therefore, the golden rule is to dry it.It takes a while, but this way you will be able to store it for many months and nothing will happen to it.

How do you dry garlic after harvesting? It is best to spread the bulbs out in the sun. If the weather is not good, it can be inside the house.It is important that the place is airy. Then clean them from the ground and hang them to dry further.After approximately two to three weeks, they are ready for final storage.

How to store fresh garlic?

The most important thing is to find a suitable place for him.It should be airy and dry. How to store garlic depends on us, our abilities and skills.A version for not very artistic or just busy people? Many grandmothers use patent flour.They simply put the bulbs in a box and dust them decently. How else can you do it?

  • Braid garlic into clever and impressive braids.Take several pieces at once and show off your hairdressing skills.
  • Tie several heads into a bouquet.
  • Store the garlic loosely in an airtight box.
  • It is good to hang braids and bouquets so that they have an even and constant supply of air.Moisture will not scare them.

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