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A new patent in cars can report you to the police for speeding

Automotive giant Ford Motor has caused a wave of debate among motorists in recent days.According to information from the iDnes.cz server, the company, which holds more than 79,000 international patents, has registered a new idea that could mean a significant change in the field of tracking traffic violations..

A car that monitors the speed of others.

The main cause of concern is a new patent titled «Systems and Methods for Detecting Speeding,» which was made public on the 18th.July.This system, if put into practice, could allow Ford vehicles to automatically record speeding violations by other drivers and then send this information directly to traffic authorities.

In practice, the Fords could thus serve as mobile monitoring stations, capable of identifying and reporting speed violations by other vehicles.Although this concept is currently only in the patent protection phase, it is causing considerable concern among motorists who cannot imagine that their offenses could be recorded and reported virtually automatically.

Patent as a theoretical possibility.

Despite the fact that Ford has registered this patent, it does not automatically mean that this technology will soon be put into practice.As reported by iDnes.cz, a patent can only represent a form of legal protection that guarantees that, in the case of the implementation of this idea, another inventor or company will not be able to take over a similar idea.So it is rather a theoretical possibility, which Ford has no plans to implement immediately.

Fear of unintentional transgressions.

Despite these assurances, drivers remain concerned.Many fear that even unintentional speeding, which can happen to anyone, could be automatically reported to the police if a car equipped with this technology passed by.

The system, described in the patent application, would work through sensors and cameras that would monitor the vehicle’s surroundings.If such a car were to register that another vehicle was exceeding the speed limit, it would obtain the necessary evidence and then send it along with the GPS data to the relevant authorities.They could then, based on this information, generate a fine and send it to the owner of the offending vehicle.

Although this technology does not yet exist in a real form, the very idea of ​​its possible implementation raises concerns and questions among drivers about where the future of the automotive industry and personal freedom on the road is headed.

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