HomeTips for hjemmetYou must prune these trees and shrubs now in August

You must prune these trees and shrubs now in August

When August arrives, many may think that the work in the garden is coming to an end.However, the opposite is true.It is this month that represents the peak of gardening duties, where mowing the grass can seem like a relaxing activity compared to the other tasks that await gardeners..

One of the main tasks in August is pruning different types of plants.This process is key to keeping the garden healthy and ensuring the plants are ready for the next season.Gardeners should prepare sharp scissors and devote themselves to this work thoroughly, because neglecting it could negatively affect the plants in the coming months.

Trimming bushes and trees

In August, it is advisable to pay attention to trimming bushes and trees, especially conifers and hedges.It is these plants that need regular care to maintain their shape and health.Cutting hedges and conifers is not only an aesthetic matter, but also promotes their proper growth.If these plants are not cared for properly, they can become sparse and less resilient.

Rose care

August is also an ideal time to care for roses.Gardeners should remove spent flowers, allowing the plant to direct its energy into forming new buds and strengthening the root system.It is important to use sharp pruning shears and make cuts gently to avoid damaging healthy parts of the plant.

Pruning of fruit trees

As for fruit trees, August is the time when they should focus on the so-calledtransillumination cut.This step will ensure that more sunlight penetrates the plant, which will support its healthy growth and yield.Pears and peaches in particular should be pruned right now, as should garden shrubs that need the removal of dry branches and shoots.

However, care must be taken to ensure that ornamental shrubs are not thinned out too much, as this can weaken their resistance during the winter months.Gardeners should proceed carefully and thoughtfully in order to ensure a beautiful and healthy garden in the following season as well.

Do you have your tips for gardening in August? Share them with us and inspire other gardeners!

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